How Can We Help You?

Your company is already successful, perhaps incredibly successful. The hard work of many people has gone into where you are today.

Yet, improving is often difficult. Many companies struggle with it. There are many reasons:

  • People from different parts of the business do not perceive things the same way
  • Conflicting selling or marketing methods can be difficult to resolve
  • Data indicating root causes of problems may be unavailable
  • Few individuals are familiar with the methods for improving
  • Changes tend to evaporate over time – things return to the status quo

Think of your business as a system. People are most comfortable seeing things from “inside” their system. Often, changing that system requires intervention from a higher-level system’s perspective.

This is the perspective SPC, Inc., brings. We’ve worked with clients to improve their sales processes for more than 13 years. That experience has led to the most thorough and effective approach available. It is fully documented in Michael's book, Sales Process Excellence. Our clients routinely increase sales productivity, forecast accuracy, and margins.

Get Collaborative Help

Although a consistent approach is invaluable, a cookie-cutter approach is not. Every company and the individuals within it are unique.

Accordingly, research is needed to understand what changes might create the improvement you need.

That’s why we work through collaborative relationships. You know your business, your people, and your problems. We know sales process and world-class management and consulting methods.

Together we can find the quickest, shortest path to your goals.

Request An Initial Consultation

Please complete the order form below. You’ll receive an email with the initial background questions we would like to discuss. You’ll also receive a call from Terran, Michael’s administrative assistant. She’ll schedule a time to talk that is convenient for yours and Michael’s calendar.

Initial Consultation fees apply to future consulting work. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, the fee will be refunded.

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1 Payment of $3,500.00